Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day 35: Best. Day. Ever!

The Cupcake Truck is totally great.  But how does the Cupcake Truck become even better?  By parking right outside our office!!  Based on the huge line that formed 15 minutes before they even arrived, I'm guessing they'll be back to our neighborhood soon.


  1. What's a hummingbird?

    Oh, and I'd like mine with candy violets, please.

  2. Hummingbird is this sort of banana-bread kind of cupcake. I had it for the first time - yummmmmmy!

  3. I totally want a cupcake truck. Right now. Right here. Do you think he'd make a housecall?

  4. Hmm, if you were in Providence, I'd say yes. But likely not to the UK. He has hungry masses to feed right here in New Haven!
